I wanted a poster with my order but I forgot to select it when purchasing my CD

If you intended to include a poster with your CD purchase but forgot to select it at the time of ordering, there's no need to worry. We understand that posters are a popular and valued addition for KPOP fans. In such cases, we encourage you to contact our seller as soon as possible to add the poster to your order before it is shipped.

When reaching out to us, please provide your order details so we can assist you efficiently. We offer two types of posters: Folded posters, which are provided free of charge, and Unfolded posters, which come with a small additional charge of 1 USD + Basic Paypal Fee of 0.3 USD +additional shipping cost. The unfolded posters are shipped in a protective tube to prevent damage and ensure they arrive in excellent condition.

Please be aware that the availability of posters is subject to stock levels and the specific album release. Some posters are only available in limited quantities, especially for first press editions or special releases. Therefore, it’s best to make your request as quickly as possible to increase the likelihood that we can fulfill it.

To add a poster to your order, simply contact our customer service with your request, and we will guide you through the process of updating your order and arranging for the additional payment, if necessary. Our goal is to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase and receive all the items you desire.

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